How to Revoke Ethereum Permissions & Approvals in 2023?

4. How to Revoke Ethereum Permissions1

The steps in this article will show you how to cancel Ethereum permissions and approvals on your digital wallet. By giving the dapp permission to access and transfer the tokens in your wallet on your behalf, or by giving smart contract/token permission, also known as approval. When using a DEX (Decentralized Exchange), for instance, you must sign a letter of authorization for its smart contract to purchase tokens in order to carry out the transaction you require.

Quick Steps:

  • Navigate toEtherscan token approvals checker
  • For your wallet to be connected, click Connect to Web3.
  • Search through the ERC-20, ERC-721, or ERC-1155 tabs until you locate the token approval and permission you wish to revoke.
  • To withdraw your token approval, press Revoke. In your wallet, this will cause a signing request.
  • The approval of the token will be revoked following the transaction.

Why Do You Need to Revoke Tokens?

There can be multiple reasons for you to revoke token approvals and permissions, it can be one of the many reasons from the following:

  1. You should set aside your money because the Dapp you recently interacted with might be vulnerable.
  2. You don’t wish to continue using a Dapp again in the near future
  3. There are no transactions that you intend to complete soon.

What Are Token Approvals?

Token approvals are authorizations given by users to Dapps so they can access the tokens in the user’s cryptocurrency wallet. On the Ethereum blockchain, all ERC-20 tokens, including ETH, WETH, and USDC, as well as NFTs (ERC-721 and ERC-1155), are subject to token approval.

Smart contracts are used by DApps to carry out transactions on a blockchain. Through these smart contracts, users can spend their tokens. Smart contracts allow users to stake or lend money to a pool. Therefore, before the smart contract can execute any token transaction, the user must give their consent.

Only when the conditions of the smart contract are met is the token used. As it limits how much money the smart contract can spend on your behalf, this also acts as a security precaution for you.

Before they can interact and access the tokens in the wallet, all Dapps need permission from non-custodial crypto wallets.

Read More: Custodial vs Non-Custodial Wallets – Difference & Which One to Choose

Until the allowance has been approved, it is not possible to purchase, sell, or transfer token allowances through Dapps services.

4. How to Revoke Ethereum Permissions2

How to Revoke Ethereum Permissions and Approvals?

You can completely revoke token approval using a variety of tools. You can control it using a variety of third-party tools. We will make use of Etherscan’s Token Approval tool in this tutorial.

  • Go to the block explorers for the DApp networks that you typically use first. For instance, users of Ethereum should go to Etherscan, those of Polygon should go to Polygonscan, and users of BSC-based dapps should use BSCscan as their preferred explorer. We’ll be concentrating on Etherscan in this manual.
  • On the Etherscan blockchain explorer, navigate to the Approval Checker section. Here is a link to Etherscan’s approval review portal.
  • While at the approve checker page, click on Connect to Web3 to trigger the Choose a Wallet window. To connect your wallet to the portal, select the MetaMask option and then follow the on-screen instructions. Keep in mind that for a successful connection, your MetaMask wallet must be online.
  • Once you are connected, search through the ERC-20, ERC721, and ERC-115 tabs of the Ethereum token standards until you find the token approval you want to revoke. You will be able to view the smart contracts for each token in your wallet that have permission to either access it or submit transactions on your behalf. From here, you can choose the specific approval that you want to revoke.
  • Next, click on Revoke to cancel the token approval. You’ll start a signature request in your wallet if you do that. To complete the process, accept this request and pay the necessary gas fee.

While interacting with dapps, you can also control how each token is approved. This is feasible when using specific DApp functions or approving transactions. It is advisable to select a custom spending limit when approving transactions rather than enabling unlimited spending limits.

To do this, click on Edit Permission whenever your The wallet for MetaMask asks for transaction approvals. Then, enter your desired spending limit in the Custom Spending Limit field. By doing this, the DApp in question is prevented from accessing or carrying out transactions that are greater than the limit you set for your spending.

Revoking Permissions Via DeBank

Let’s concentrate on how to revoke permissions now that it is clear why doing so is a crucial step for investors to take in order to safeguard their assets. Because it supports the blockchains that are most compatible with smart contracts in this example—Ethereum, BSC, xDai, Polygon, Fantom, OKExCahin, and HECO—we will use the defi dashboard DeBank.

Step 1. Connecting Your Wallet

Open and connect your MetaMask wallet first.

Step 2. Go to Profile

Using the left menu, select profile. You are taken to a new page that displays all of your assets along with their deployment locations. By clicking on “All Chains”, On all blockchains that support smart contracts, DeBank displays all of your assets.

Step 3. Revoke Permissions

Click on “Approval”. Various information, including token exposure per blockchain and the permitted number of tokens per contract, are displayed on a new page that loads. A decline button is located on the right side of the contract. The permissions you granted to the smart contract can be revoked by selecting the decline button.

Other Tools

There are plenty of other tools you can utilize to revoke smart contract permissions:

  • Unrekt supports ETH, BSC, HECO, and Polygon on the web and for mobile devices.
  • BSCscan – supports BSC (In beta–temporarily down)
  • Beefy – supports BSC
  • Debank – supports ETH, BSC, xDai, Fantom, Polygon, OKEx
  • Hyperjump UnRekt – supports BSC and Fantom
  • Polygonscan – supports Polygon


Revocating a smart contract’s permission is a crucial step in protecting the money in your wallet. You can revoke any permissions in just one minute by using straightforward and user-friendly tools like DeBank.

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