Crypto Advertising Network

Crypto advertising network is an advertising platform like Google Adsense. The only difference is that the crypto advertising network provides promotions for encryption related projects. These websites allow blockchain oriented enterprises to use banners and local advertising to carry out marketing activities. Once the campaign is launched, the crypto advertising network will publish these advertisements on high traffic websites, publications, etc.

Crypto advertising networks are the core of encrypted advertising. In short, in order to attract high-quality traffic for cryptocurrency projects, you need to add a cryptocurrency advertising network to the cryptocurrency marketing strategy. When encrypted ads appear on the network, webmasters have more choices than ever before, but this choice comes at a price. Obviously, all website owners want to make as much money as possible when using encrypted advertising networks, but it is difficult to calculate profitability without testing.

How do Crypto Advertising Network work?

As you can see, the crypto advertising network has a strong influence there. The advertisements on crypto advertising networks are basically “surfing” services, which pay people to visit the website. Crypto advertising networks help to improve indicators, but the traffic quality is low, resulting in low conversion rate. Crypto advertising networks have the following characteristics.

1. Your advertisement will only be published on the industry website

At present, there are more than 500 major encrypted websites online, serving at least 154 million people (this is the number of unique BTC addresses). There is no doubt that every user with an encrypted wallet address is active on at least one encryption related website.

2. You don’t have to worry about the advertising approval process

You may know how important it is to quickly launch an advertising campaign, because if the campaign cannot be launched when needed, the results will be lower than you expected. As you may know, crypto advertising network advertising has been banned or restricted in most advertising networks for some time. By using niche advertising networks, you can be sure that your advertising will be approved soon and your activities will not be delayed. Before you start working with advertising networks, you must check whether they provide real-time support for your activities.

3. HTML5 Banner Design

By using a crypto advertising network, you will forget the banner design service. Most networks offer this service free of charge. The complete set of banners will be designed by an experienced web design professional team, so you can make sure you get most of your banners.

4. High Quality Flow

By using a crypto advertising network, you will have high traffic quality. The cryptocurrency website will promote your advertisement only after certain requirements are met. So you can forget to pay high CPM for low-quality websites – they don’t exist in niche advertising networks.

5. Self Service

You can enjoy the same high-quality service and customer interface experience as other large networks on crypto advertising networks. Basically, you can completely control your advertising on the crypto advertising network, so you can make any changes you want in real time, so the optimization process is fast and effective.

6. Support Staff

This is a big advantage. Some crypto advertising networks provide on-site support for advertising campaign development. In fact, every advertiser has a special account manager who is ready to solve every problem that may arise.

7. Multiple Advertising Options

Through discussion with your account manager, you will find a variety of advertising methods of crypto advertising network, such as local banners, standard IAB banners and press releases posted on top websites in the industry.

Best Crypto Advertising Networks: An Overview


Coinzilla crypto advertising network is an encrypted advertising network established in 2016. Coinzilla crypto advertising network bitcoin advertising network provides flexible marketing packages designed to meet the needs of all customers, whether they are novices in the encryption industry or already notorious customers. The design of the platform is very intuitive, so you can quickly understand all its functions, and customer support provides you with useful tips when you need them.

Different from other popular advertising networks, coinzilla crypto advertising network is a unique way to make money through encryption. This reliable advertising network has gained great popularity. Coinzilla crypto advertising network provides fully responsive advertising formats that can be used on mobile and desktop platforms. For publishers and advertisers, this is a complete solution. This is a multi-functional platform, which can make your network traffic and advertising traffic profitable.


TokenAd crypto advertising network aims to provide better solutions for the encryption industry. Tokenad crypto advertising network uses token advertising. Users can buy local advertising, “bottom line advertising” (mobile advertising), banner advertising and video advertising. Like other blockchain based advertising platforms, tokenad crypto advertising network allows publishers to contact advertisers directly. The platform uses a real-time bidding (RTB) system that allows publishers to get the maximum traffic while advertisers access the most relevant audience at a fair price. Tokenad crypto advertising network caters to all members of the encryption industry. If the audience of your company, product or service is interested in cryptocurrency, token advertising may be the advertising platform for you. Some target customers of TokenAd crypto advertising network include traders, ICOS, encryption seminar hosts and encryption activities.

In essence, token advertising is the online website network of the cryptocurrency industry. These websites generate a total of 120000 views per month. When you buy advertising space with token ads, you can post your ads before these 120000 impressions.


A-Ads crypto advertising network prides itself on not collecting personal data. The A-Ads crypto advertising network publishes about 129 million advertisements every day. They also have activity indicators on their website. Users can view the click cost (CPC), thousand times cost (CPM) and impression in the past 24 hours, as well as their percentage change every day. Ads contain only HTML and CSS, no scripts or cookies.

The main payment mode of a-ads crypto advertising network is daily budget (which is daily cost or cpd). This means that their system is not based on static CPM, which is the main difference from other advertising networks. You can also handle CPM bids and CPA. A-Ads crypto advertising network is an excellent alternative to coinzilla and cointrafic advertising networks. A-Ads crypto advertising network is also known as anonymous advertising network.

Founded in 2015, crypto advertising network aims to become the best encrypted advertising network to provide blockchain enterprises with the most relevant encrypted audience. crypto advertising network is designed to simplify the purchase and sale of online advertising. In recent years, due to’s quality for its publishers and advertisers, crypto advertising network has become very popular. crypto advertising network is a fast-growing encrypted advertising network, with more than 100 million impressions and 20 million unique visits per month. In addition, so far, there have been more than 20000 advertising campaigns. It is calculated in an advertising network that provides complete solutions for advertisers and publishers.

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